Waffen sind eine sehr wichtige Wahl für Spieler in Dark Souls und Dark Souls Remastered. Spieler werden dazu ermutigt die verschiedenen Waffen zu finden, die zu ihrem Spielstil und zu ihrer vorliebe passen. Jede hat ihre eigenen Werte, die die Leistung der Waffen im Kampf beeinflussen. Ein Spieler kann sich jeder Waffe hingeben um diese meistern. Es werden gute Leistungen erwartet, unabhängig von der Wahl. Das Spiel wünscht sich eine Verbindung zwischen dem Spieler und seiner erwählten Waffe
Anmerkungen zu den Waffen:
- Waffenschaden Formel lautet: (basis schaden)*(n/10+1) wobei n für die anzahl der Upgrades steht.
- Siehe Waffen Skalierung um zu verstehen was die Skalierungs Bonus Buchstaben bedeuten.
- Siehe Schadens Typen um zu verstehen wie die verschiedenen Angriffswerte berechnet und gelöst werden.
- Es können Boss Seelen Waffen hergestellt werden. Diese werden aus Seelen geschmiedet, die von bestimmten Bossen gefallen sind.
- Definitionen zu Begriffen und Bildern, die in den Waffentabellen und -seiten verwendet werden, finden Sie im Tabelleninfoschlüssel und in der Waffeninfoschlüssel unten auf der Seite.
Welche ist die beste Waffe in Dark Souls?
Es gibt keine "beste" Waffe in Dark Souls. Spieler können sich Character Builds bauen, mit speizifischen Waffen die ein spezifisches moveset haben, guten Schaden austeilen oder aber einfach zum Spieler seinem Levelbereich passt. Manche Spieler suchen sich ihre Waffen anhand den Aussehens aus aber in den meisten Fällen, ist es geraten, sich an die Skalierung und Upgrades der Waffen zu halten um dadurch festzustellen ob diese für deinen Charakter im PvE, PvP oder für beides geeignet ist. Die folgenden Katogieren der Waffen haben Details zu deren Basis Schaden, Tabellen mit Infusionen und Moveset Video links.
Waffen Kategorien in Dark Souls
Dark Souls Waffen Liste
Straight Swords
Ultra Greatswords
Curved Swords
Curved Greatswords
Piercing Swords
Great Axes
Great Hammers
Fist & Claw
Table Key
Requirements / Parameter Bonus |
Attack Values | Damage Reduction (%) Reducing the elemental damage taken in % |
Auxiliary Effects | Others |
Strength |
Physical |
Physical |
Bleed |
Durability |
Dexterity |
Magic |
Magic |
Poison |
Weight |
Intelligence |
Fire |
Fire |
Divine |
Faith |
Lightning |
Lightning |
Occult |
Critical |
Stability |
Magic Adjustment |
Durability: The weapon's HP; when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost useless. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" - at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.
Weight: How much the item weights when equipped.
Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hit.
Attack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has.
Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St).
Weapon Heading Key
Weapon Type: The weapon type/category.
Attack Type: Determines the type of damage dealt and holds some sway over it's primary moveset (usually one-handed light and heavy attack), some weapons may have a single or multiple types.
Critical: The damage boost you recieve for ripostes and backstabs, 100 is the base and anything higher is a bonus percentage. (Example, 110 is a 10% boost)
Bleed: The amount of bleed damage the weapon does. Upon fully inflicting, bleeding will take a percentage off your enemies [[#|HP]]. (Example, 300 bleed will take 30%)
Poison: The amount of poison or toxic damage the weapon does. Upon fully inflicting it will cause slow poison or toxic damage to the enemy over time.
Weight: The weight of the weapon.
Durability: The lifespan of the weapon will slowly degrade during use, and if not repaired will drastically lose combat effectivness at 30% durability, and close to useless at 0%.
Crystal: Durability if it can advance down the Crystal path will have 1/10th of its normal durability in exchange for higher attack power. Crystal upgrades cannot be repaired or downgraded, but further reinforcement will also repair the weapon (up to +5).
Upgrade cost: The soul cost to upgrade and if it only uses a single type of titanite, what it is. Visit the Upgrades page for more information.
Buffable: If the weapon is buffable or not. All Regular, Raw and Crystal upgraded weapons are confirmed to be buffable.
Acquired from: Where the item is obtained, either via corpse, a drop with a rough rate of the item, or bought from a merchant with how many souls it costs.
Hints and Tips: Various tidbits, noteworthy information, about the weapon.
Youtube relevant videos: Videos about how you get it, or using it in action.
Required in Build: What build this weapon is required for (Note: this may be changed soon however so don't get carried away on adding stuff.)
Upgrades and Parameter Bonus (Weapons)
The table below shows the calculation for the Base Damage and Parameter Scaling.
Regular Upgrades Formula.
Crystal Upgrades Formula
Lightning Upgrades Formula
Raw Upgrades Formula
Magic Upgrades Formula
Enchanted Upgrades Formula
Divine Upgrades Formula
Occult Upgrades Formula
Fire Upgrades Formula
Chaos Upgrades Formula
Special (Twinkling) Weapon Upgrades Formula
Boss (Demon) Weapon Upgrades Formula
Dragon (Dragon Scale) Weapon Upgrades Formula
Upgrades and Parameter Bonus (Bows)
The table below shows the calculation for the Base Damage and Parameter Scaling.
Regular Upgrades Formula.
For example goes here:
Crystal Upgrades Formula
Lightning Upgrades Formula
Raw Upgrades Formula
Magic Upgrades Formula
Enchanted Upgrades Formula
Divine Upgrades Formula
Occult Upgrades Formula
Fire Upgrades Formula
Chaos Upgrades Formula
Special (Twinkling) Weapon Upgrades Formula
Boss (Demon) Weapon Upgrades Formula
Upgrades and Parameter Bonus (Crossbows)
The table below shows the calculation for the Base Damage and Parameter Scaling.
Regular Upgrades Formula.
For example goes here:
Crystal Upgrades Formula
Lightning Upgrades Formula
Magic Upgrades Formula
Divine Upgrades Formula
Fire Upgrades Formula